Agnieszka Kraus (Gajewska) aka Gajek, born in Chorzów, Poland in 1982. Lives and creates in Berlin since 2017, 2016-2017 in Mannheim in Germany. Lived in Brussels, Belgium, 2010-2015. Graduated from Fine Arts Academy in Gdańsk, Painting and Serigraphy in 2008. Studied Painting at the Marmara University in 2007/2008. Winner of the "Minister of Culture and National Heritage Award" for the best master diploma in Painting in Poland, 2008. Award nominee for "Creators of Culture in Gdańsk 2009" and "Storm of the Year 2009". Represented Poland at the XIV Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (BJCEM) in Skopje, Macedonia, 2009 and at the XIII BJCEM in Bari, Italy, 2008. Received numerous cultural scholarships and grants in Poland. Numerous national and foreign exhibitions.
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland, 2008
Masters degree, specialization in Painting: “Saudade”
Promotor: prof. Maciej Świeszewski
Second master specialization in Serigraphy: “Katarine in Fire”
Promotor: ad. kw.II st. Aleksander Widyński
Theoretical Thesis: “About the Weather”
Promotor: dr Andrzej Cezary Leszczyński
Marmara University, Painting department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
Art College in Gdynia, specialization in Graphic Design, Poland, 2003
High School in Kraśnik, Poland, 2001
Canvascollectie | Collection RTBF, competition, final exhibition, Centre for Fine Arts BOZAR, Belgium, 2012
Storm of the Year 2009, nominated for the cultural award in Visual Arts category, Tricity, Poland
City of Gdańsk Awards for Young Artists in the Field of Culture
Award nominee for Creators of Culture in 2009 in Gdańsk
XIV Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean Countries, represented Poland in Visual Arts, Skopje, Macedonia, 2009
Minister of Culture and National Heritage Award for best master diploma in Painting in Poland (1st prize), 18th edition, Poland, 2008
Cultural Scholarship of Marshal of Pomeranian, 2008
XIII Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean Countries, represented Poland, collaboration with PLAJ, Bari, Italy, 2007
Primus Inter Pares, best student in artistic field, AFA, Gdańsk, Poland, 2007-2008
Cultural Scholarship of President of the City of Gdańsk, 2006-2008
2018 Berufsverband Bildender Künstler*innen Berlin (BBK Berlin) - Membership
2016-2017 BBK Mannheim - Membership
2013 co-founder of the artistic-educational group KIWI, workshops and book design for kids, Belgium
2009 co-founder of the cultural association SWELINA in Sopot, Poland
2008 co-director of gallery Art Delicatessen in Gdańsk, Poland
2007 member of an artistic group PLAJ (A. Gajewska, P. Maksjan, L. Majewska, J. Kuklo)
2006 - 2008 student representative on the council of the Faculty of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland
2006 - 2008 member of the student government of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland
2006 - 2007 teacher of art at Art Studio Znak on the Gdańsk Shipyard, classes in painting and drawing, Poland
• Gajek mit Alexander Habisreutinger, [Kunst] Projekte. Mannheim, Deutschland
• "Das Ewig Neue", Commerzbank, Mannheim, Germany
• "GDAŃSK BIENNALE OF ART", Gdansk City Gallery 2, Gdańsk, Poland
•"Art Breidenbach" Art Fair, Port25, Mannheim, Germany
•"B-Seite" Festival for Visual Arts and Contemporary Culture, Zeitraumexit, Mannheim, Germany
•"Kunstpause", autopresentation lecture organized by Artgenossen, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
• 42. Painting Biennial "Bielska Jesień", BWA Gallery, Bielsko-Biala, Poland
• "A w moim mieście jest inaczej" book promotion at the Polish Embassy in Brussels, Belgium
• "Truc Troc 'art & design, Laureates exhibition, Centre for Fine Arts BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
• "International Art Exhibition NordArt" in Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany
• "Error_" solo exhibition, Brussels Art Factory, Belgium
• "Merge", group exhibition, Brussels, Belgium
• "9e Biennale Internationale de Gravure", Museum of Fine Arts in Liege, Belgium
• "Canvascollectie | Collection RTBF", the Centre for Fine Arts BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
• "Tina.B" The Contemporary Art Festival - installation "The Infinity", Prague, Czech Republic
• Co-organizer of festival "Swelina Open Kurort of Culture", Sopot, Poland
• "Barriere de Degel", group exhibition, Brussels, Belgium
• Solo exhibition "oh, my de e / and r 'in two, Gdańsk, Poland
• Solo exhibition "Something there" Sikorski Gallery, Gdańsk, Poland
• Solo exhibition at the festival "Streetwaves" - "Wonderful" Lastadia, Gdańsk, Poland
• Solo exhibition in a series of "Presentation of the Young" Sphinx, Sopot, Poland
•Exhibition in Gallery "From Time to Time" in Gdynia, Poland
• Solo exhibition "Saudade" The BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Legnica, Poland
• Mural "The Universe" International Festival of Lights "Sky Ways", Torun, Poland
• "Katherine in Fire", a solo exhibition, St. Catherine's Church, Gdańsk, Poland
• PLAJ group and W. Jacaszek, performance, Streetwaves Festival, Gdańsk, Poland
• PLAJ, exhibition and performance, Refectory Gallery, Kartuzy, Poland
• "6th National Biennial of Students of Graphics", Poznan, Poland
• "18th NYPR PROMOTIONS", Museum of Archeology and History, Glogów, Poland
• "Fresh Paint", serigraphy collective exhibition, Museum of Lublin, Poland
• "SAUDADE", a solo exhibition, Manhattan Art Center, Gdańsk, Poland
• "Mutual Inspirations Exhibition of Moments", Cultural Centre, Lublin, Poland
• "Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean", Bari, Italy
• "1001 actions for dialogue in Poland", performance, International Cultural Centre in Cracow, Poland
• "Hestia artistic journey", group exhibition, Gdańsk, Poland
• "Grannar / Neighbors / Neighbours", PLAJ performance, Blekinge Museum, Karlskrona, Sweden
• "Old town, new ideas", Burnside Gallery, Isle of Arran, Scotland
• Collective painting exhibition, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
•"IN OUT" Festival, the Modern Art Center Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland
• "Recording of the Dance", special award at the FAMA festival, Tricity, Poland
• Mural "Home sweet home", Street Art Gallery Węzeł Kliniczna, Gdańsk, Poland
• 2nd Review of Video Art and Experimental Films, Rybnik, Poland
• "Recording of the Dance" - a happening, Cukrownia, Pruszcz Gdański, Poland
• "Recording of the Dance" - a happening, Poland 7th International Educational Fair, Warsaw, Poland
•"Kozy" (Goats), a solo painting exhibition, Bar Mleczny (Milk Bar), Gdańsk, Poland